Monday, February 13, 2012

Is "brainstorming" the new "groupthink"?

Is "brainstorming" the new "groupthink"?

To brainstorm is to produce an idea or solve a problem by holding a spontaneous group discussion. (

Definition of groupthink-the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.(also

Hmm do I agree that brainstorming is the new groupthink or disagree?

To me brainstorming and groupthink are the same thing.

Both involve producing and idea or solving a problem by a group. Both discourage creativity and individual responsibility. 

And personally I would much rather work alone, when I work in a group I feel like my creative ideas get ruined and I could produce something much better on my own.

People say brainstorming helps because you get different peoples ideas on the matter, but the matter of fact is the group only comes up with one idea in the end...

That sounds a lot like "groupthink" to me.

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