Sunday, April 29, 2012

Making a difference...

I hope my creative ability will inspire others to be creative...

whether it is the way they work out, diet, paint, find themselves, anything. I believe creativity is contagious as long as it incubates in the right environment and the world really needs more creativity. 

In a speech by Ken Robinson on Multiple Intelligences, he said something along the lines of: 
Being wrong and being creative are not the same thing, but if your not prepared to be wrong than you will never come up with anything creative.

I think most people are scared of being creative because they want to avoid criticism or being different from other people.

I hope my creativity will inspire others and give them the courage to face the criticism and live the liberating creative lifestyle.

Because after all, it doesn't matter who likes what you have created, as long as it makes you feel good, that's all that matters.

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